How to Date IRL

Spending most days in front of a computer, browsing the internet, is the norm nowadays. It has become an essential part of our daily lives that we can’t live without. Being connected to the internet gives us a feeling of comfort, knowing that at any moment, we can search for virtually anything we’d want to know about. It has even become an integral part of our daily lives that it can now be a part of who we are.

We are at the age of information, ladies and gentleman. We are now connected globally to each and every one through a magical invention we shall label as the “Internet.” Online trends, forums, and news- everything- can be found on the Internet. With that being said, there is a high chance that your potential partner could also be browsing the web at this very moment. However people populating the internet varies from one to the other. We can say that a very sexy woman, fond of browsing the internet, has no idea what 9gag is.

social-media-online-dating-2Of course, if one is a native of the 9gag culture, they’d be a little disappointed to find out this particular girl of their liking is missing out on one of the Internet’s greatest site. It’s understandable, of course, not everyone can know everything. Again, the internet has become a melting pot of people that share different ideas of some sort. Internet love is something that cannot be taught, it must be experienced one way or another.

But, don’t give up just yet. Do not be blinded by the glare of the monitor before your eyes. There is a much larger ocean of woman-fishes awaiting you just beyond the secluded lair of your computer. Take a breather and let yourself know that the woman you met on Facebook, the girl who wants to run away with you but can’t since she doesn’t have any air-fare, might not really exist. Let yourself know that there also other people, REAL people, waiting for you out there. Be it in a bar, the park, a baseball game; there is a higher chance you’d be scoring with a girl there than on the forum postings of Reddit.

Remember to meet girls beyond the links and keyboards of your computer. Who knows, maybe you do share the same interests; not just those specifically related to cats asking if they can have cheeseburgers.